We’ve always been told that carbs are bad for us. This article debunks all the myths about carbs and why you need to consume them.

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We’ve always been told that carbs are bad for us. This article debunks all the myths about carbs and why you need to consume them.
This article not only decodes whether breakfast really makes the most important meal of the day but also discusses how it should be had and at what time.
Do you know that protein is a bundle of amino acids? This article talks about what makes protein complete and the various essential amino acids you need to consume.
This article discusses the health benefits of lemon water such as a source of vitamin C and debunks claims about the miraculous effects of lemon water.
Nutrients play an important role in your health. This article discusses some vital nutrients that are good for your heart and a few that should be avoided.
This article digs deep into the differences between natural and chemical and debunks the understanding of natural being safe and chemical being lethal.
Emulsifiers and stabilizers are used in food industries. This article discusses these food additives in general, with a special focus on three particular codes.
Vegetarians and vegans often feel like they are at a disadvantage when it comes to proteins and micronutrients. This article busts some myths.
Maltodextrin is a food additive that has purposes beyond a sweetener. This article discusses them, while also exploring the good and bad sides of maltodextrin.
This article covers anticaking agents in general while keeping a focus on a particular grade that Happy Ratio uses. We also discuss FSSAI's take on the same.
In this article we discuss flaxseed and it's scientifically-proven benefits. We also briefly touch upon the daily usage recommendation.
This article looks into the causes and relieving measures for premenstrual syndrome symptoms and further delves into how intake of nutrients can help ease them.
In this article we look into the science behind sleep. We dive deep into the different stages of sleep and also discuss a few scientifically proven tips to sleep better.
People associate fructose with being bad for their health. This article discusses if fructose is really bad and backs it up with numerous research studies.
Soylent has had a huge impact on our existence. Click here to learn more about how Happy Ratio aims to become a Soylent alternative in India.
I didn’t know the history of Marico till I read this book. Harsh Mariwala took the commodities of Coconut Oil and Sunflower oil and turned them into household Indian brands. It is...
Protein is derived from a plethora of sources. In this article we discuss the primary differences between whey protein and plant-based protein while taking into consideration certain parameters.
In this article we look into why there has been so much fuss about protein lately and discuss how protein helps with more than just muscle building.
Happy Ratio is an All-In-One nutrition product. It contains all the 39 essential nutrients the human body needs. It's the only supplement you need.
In this article we talk about India's new health revolution, how weight loss works and we also debunk a few fat loss myths.
Let's find out what science has to say about fats. We dive deep into the kinds of fats - what to avoid/what to eat & also discuss slimming/weight-loss shakes.